Monday, September 22, 2008

I Am The Third Revelation

Just a short movie review. We watched There Will Be Blood over the weekend. I really enjoyed it. Daniel Day-Lewis' acting was phenomenal - there was nothing but his character in the movie, no sign of his true personality in any way. The cinematography was beautiful and I never loss interest in the characters. The ending seemed almost separated from the rest of the movie, but was amazing for it's slow burn towards complete derangement and brutality. The title of this post comes from that part of the movie.

I can see why some people wouldn't like this film - mainly due to it's length and (mostly) unlikeable characters. I'm not sure if it's a film that needs to be mined for great meaning, just enjoyed.

The film version Choke, one of my favorite Chuck Palhaniuk books, comes out this weekend. I hope it's good.

1 comment:

Jen said...

I haven't seen this yet, but am looking forward to it. As much as I enjoy mind-candy type films, I love when really good movies like that come out.